Pain Should Never Be Used as a Restraint
In no circumstances should we be refraining from using pain medication because we fear that the dog will feel TOO GOOD and re-injure themselves.
It is unethical and cruel to leave an animal suffering when we have the option to provide pain relief. It is our responsibility, as their carer to take steps to contain an animal that has injured themselves either physically or through the use of chemical restraint, if required.
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Is My Dog too Skinny
Finding a happy medium when it comes to weight can be stressful for responsible owners. They know they don’t want their dog to be overweight to take care of their dog's health (link to weight article) but it is hard when you are constantly told that your dog is too skinny when you take them for a walk or even at the local dog club.
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CCRT is Official
This is my public service announcement to say that the "I"s are dotted and the "T"s are crossed and I have passed all the requirements for my Certificate in Canine Rehabilitation Therapy.
I am only the third Australian to meet these requirements
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At all Life Stages
My last article showing how subtle the signs of future problems can be,was VERY popular. Since I am just like a dog, when I get rewarded by lots of hits on my web page and shares on Facebook, I quickly sit down to try and get my reward again, by writing another blog!!
In the same theme I hope that this blog shows people that you don’t even need a subtle sign to indicate that your pet could benefit from rehabilitation and conditioning. We can add something to the life of every dog to make it happier, empower you and strengthen your relationship.
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But My Dog Doesn't Have Any Problems
At Primal Paws we want to see healthy dogs and to keep them that way!
It was during my trip in America that I realised people most often come to see a rehabilitation orconditioning professional because their dog is showing symptoms of a problem. While that is great, we want to see dogs that are not performing optimally so they have the best chance at returning to full function, the best time to treat an injury or impairment is before the dog is showing clinical signs. This means we have to aim for more subtle indications that the system isn't quite functioning at 100%. So here is a list of super early warning signs that should have you thinking about a rehab/ conditioning consult.
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American Again
Finding time for a second trip to america this year wasn’t easy, but it turned out to be super worthwhile. This time I spent three more weeks visiting rehabilitation clinics and studying with the Canine Rehabilitation Institute.
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Adelaide Recap
I am just back from a long weekend in Adelaide, and it was AWESOME!
While I enjoyed my last trip to Adelaide this trip managed to surpass it in the number of ‘unbroken’ dogs I got to play with, A+ students (students heading toward A++), and a wonderful variety of new friends and old.
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Foundations for Life - Preparing Pix Part 3
While I love teaching my dogs tricks and exploring the world of dog sports, setting a foundation of life skills is what will make the most significantimpact on Pix’s entire life. It is the behaviours that allow me to care for Pix from day to day, and when extraordinary events occur, that will ensure this happy, confident puppy will mature into a confident adult.
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Puppy Exercises - Preparing Pix Part 2
It’s time for part two of Pix’s journey from puppyhood to (hopefully) stardom. And the best bit is this part comes with adorable puppy videos.
There are three fitness games that I start doing with a puppy as soon as they get home. We are going to run through those and why I do them. I do these on top of the usual training we start straight away, such as recalls, crate, and potty training.
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Preparing Pix - Part 1
I am often grilled about what people should be doing with their up and coming stars to ensure they fulfil their potential. While this is modified for each and every puppy there is a basic plan about things to avoid and what to encourage.
Happily, we have a new addition to the family at Primal Paws, and I will be sharing with you the steps we take as she grows up. The future for Pix will involve showing and agility, so she needs a strong foundation now to make sure she can play those games safely for the rest of her life.
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