The Gold Coast Wrap-Up

Each time I go outside my own little bubble I plan to write something about my trip once I get home and have a few days to reflect. However, by the time I catch up on everything that happened while I was away and write up programs there is another trip to focus on, my own dogs to train, new clients to look after and life in general, I just never seem to get to it. 

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Harnessing Potential

Harnesses are not new but they seem to be becoming increasingly  popular in the canine community. Like all tools that we put on our furry friends, harnesses can change the way that a dog moves, modify its behaviour or allow a particular task to be performed. But they are not benign and they should be selected based on the intended outcome, the dogs physique, and any underlying medical conditions.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Communication is Key - Between the Humans

Success can only be achieved when there is a measuring stick. So clear communication between the owner and the practitioner  (in any situation) it is vital to ensure that the goal we are aiming for is SMART. Yup as much as I have wanted to poke people in the eye when they have stressed the acronym to me I now realise just how vital it is to my relationship with my human clients, to get the best possible outcome for their companions.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Communication is the Key- Talking to your pet

My goal when you come to me for a consult is to send you away with the skills and exercises to improve your dog’s fitness, happinest and condition. So why is it that I use treats and suggest you do target training. Or even discuss the different ways that we can train?

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Separate or Supervise

Adding a human baby into the mix doesn't need to upset the apple cart. Growing up my with dogs and cats and birds made me compassionate, passionate about animals and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Healing- primary intention

Stitches can decrease the length of time required for healing, but only if post-operative instructions are followed closely. Continue reading to learn more about how healing progresses and the reason to keep your pet quiet after surgery.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
How to desex your dog

It's crazy to think that across the world there are actually a number of different procedures performed to sterilise dogs. I am going to walk through a number of the options available and the key considerations that you should think about before you make the decision to desex your furry friend.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
When to desex- dogs

At Primal Paws this week we had two of our female Kelpies desexed. For us desexing is not something that is automatically done at six months of age in dogs. The when and even the how are carefully considered before the decision to desex is made. So to keep things simple lets start by discussing when is the best time to desex.

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Dr Jaime Jackson

Proprioception is knowing where your body is in space and what your body is doing to keep it there. This needs to be achieved without conscious thought and processing of the information. This is just as important for your pet as it is for you. You need proprioception in everyday life to walk down the street or throw and catch a ball. The same way your pet does to go for a walk or chase a ball. It is even more important when performing more extreme activities like taking off and landing when your dog or cat jumps.

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Dr Jaime Jackson
Reactive pets that need help

So your animal is not the most social or people friendly individual?

I own a dog who only likes people that he has gone for a walk with, so I can understand and relate to the frustration of owning a pet that is difficult for others to work with. I also understand fearing being judged when you take your pet to the vet for treatment and the stress of trying to advocate the least stressful process for your dog or cat. Despite all this, I still love my Bookie Boo, even if he doesn't love everyone else.

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Dr Jaime Jackson