Primal Paws @ North Shore Specialist and Emergency Centre

Finding a balance is always challenging, just ask your pets how hard it can be!! And we are always searching for ways to achieve the highest quality care. 

Soooooo we have teamed up with North Shore Specialist and Emergency Centre to offer a Sydney location that will integrate Rehabilitation into every facet of animal care. 

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We have carefully diced chicken available for every consult, as well as a huge variety of treats for every dog, cat, bunny or bird who needs rehab. (Starting with the bit your animal cares about of course!!) 

For the humans we have streamlined booking with real humans to talk to- the receptionists are amazing. Access to all the amazing branches of Veterinary care that I do not practice as well as the most efficient nursing team who are chasing me down to learn about how to integrate rehabilitation into their every day care of your pets. 

Primal Paws will be consulting most Tuesdays and Thursdays and we welcome everyone to book an appointment with us. 

We will also be announcing some group sessions targeted at happy vet visits (box games here we come!!), senior pet vitality and furry fitness! 

Book your appointment today!!

Dr Jaime Jackson