Primal Paws

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Adelaide Recap


I am just back from a long weekend in Adelaide, and it was AWESOME!

While I enjoyed my last trip to Adelaide this trip managed to surpass it in the number of ‘unbroken’ dogs I got to play with, A+ students (students heading toward A++), and a wonderful variety of new friends and old. 

It is clear to me that there is a wide spread understanding of the importance of Sports Medicine, Conditioning and Physical Therapy within the South Australian dog community. I would like to thank every person who takes the time to warm up their dog before competition, then cools them down afterwards. Also those who show someone new to the sport how to care for their dog. 

My biggest thanks is to those who visit me and then talk about what they are going through/doing with their dog to their friends. You are all contributing to improved welfare for sports dogs, show dogs and pet dogs throughout your community. 

This is a group effort to ensure dogs have reduced risk of injury, and that sore dogs get the best possible treatment. I am proud to be invited into your canine community and I hope to be back and bring more information and techniques in the future.